PartnersCampus Network Collaborates to End Poverty

During the week of October 15, the PartnersCampus Network united forces to end poverty for the International Day to Eradicate Poverty. Inspired by an idea from Mercedes Nogues, President of PartnersCampus UdeSA in Argentina, each of the 10 participating PartnersCampus Chapters organized an activity in their local community to respond to the first of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals: “No Poverty.”

Below, we highlight a list of the diverse ways in which our volunteers supported their communities and brought our hemisphere one step closer to eradicating poverty. 

  • PartnersCampus EAFIT
    • Organized a food drive for non-perishables and donated to the Evolution of Thought foundation. / Recolectaron alimentos no perecederos y las donaron a la fundación Evolución del Pensamiento. 



  • PartnersCampus UdeSA
    • Collected food at the University of San Andrés to be given in November to a social institution in Buenos Aires, where they will play games with low-income children. / Recolectamos comida en la Universiad de San Andres para donarlo en una institución social en Buenos Aires donde harán dinamicas con niños de bajos recursos.



  • PartnersCampus LaSalle
    • Organized activities with an elderly home in the community and donated cleaning supplies. / Dirigieron una sesión de dignificación con abuelitos en la comunidad junto con una donación de implementos de aseo.





  • PartnersCampus University of Wyoming
    • Volunteered at the Laramie Soup Kitchen, serving food to people in the community with low resources. / Fueron valuntarios en el “Laramie Soup Kitchen”, donde le sirvieron alimentos a personas de escasos recursos económicos de la comunidad. 



  • PartnersCampus UPAL
    • Visited five low-resource communities near Cochabamba and donated food, dental supplies, and non-perishables to families and children. / Visitaron 5 pueblos en las provincias de Bombeo y Arque, a 2 horas de Cochabamba. Donaron bolsas con comida, cepillos dentales, y alimentos no perecederos a familias y niños.



  • PartnersCampus Alumni
    • Created a short video with relevant facts and statistics about poverty in the home country of each participant.
    • / Crearon un documental con datos relevantes de la pobreza en los diferentes países donde hay integrantes.



  • PartnersCampusLambayeque
    • Led a workshop for children in the community on how to recycle and re-use materials, followed by a healthy community lunch. / Dirigieron un taller para los niños de una comunidad sobre cómo reciclar y re-usar materiales, seguido de un almuerzo comunitario saludable.





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See what Partners programs are doing to #EndPoverty here!